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Almost 3 years ago, we have found an unknown lifeform.
At the time, our company has decided to bring it to the research scientists.
Later, it was discovered that the creature(s) was/were more interesting than we thought.
Eventually, on February 2nd, 1988, the company has made a tape showcasing the newly discovered creature(s).
The video was only available for all of the employees and the staff.
and later, everyone saw them thrive and terrify.
However, we have soon realized how fascinating these creatures truly are.
On January, 17th 1989, a new tape was made.
The video was only available for the staff.
sadly, no one realized it at first, so they had to witness it themselves.
On [REDACTED], another tape was made.
The video was only available for half of the employees and the staff.
for only the ones that were left alive.
As of now, we're still not fully aware of everything about these beings.
We're trying our best to keep everything under control We're tr ying our b E sT to keep eveRything undEr coN tr0l.
here's an example.